National webinar on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and patent

Shri Dhabekar Kala Mahavidyalaya Khadki, Akola organized one day National webinar on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and patent. As a part of ‘work from home’ concept IQAC and Library department of our college jointly organised a one day National webinar on Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) and Patent on Friday, 12th June 2020. Prof. Rahul ghuge IQAC coordinator conduct all the proceedings of this webinar and also gave a introductory speech on this occasion.

Our Patron chairman of Shri Sant Dnyaneshwar Bahuuddeshiya Mandal Dhaba’s Hon. Shri Anilbhau Dhabekar gave best wishes for this webinar. Hon. secretary of this organization respected Prof. Siddharthji Patil also gave best wishes for this webinar and also appreciate the efforts of every member of the staff for doing such a innovative activity.

Dr. Devendraji Gawande (principal, Smt.Salunkabai Raut Arts and Commerce College Wanoja.) also expressed his views on this occasion. Principal Dr. Sangeeta Lohakpure, who was presided over the programme explain the motive behind organizing this webinar and also congratulate all the participants for attending this webinar.

Principal Dr. M M Betkar was the chief resource person of this webinar. He explained every aspects regarding intellectual property rights and patent and also solve all the doubts of the participants by giving solution to their questions. Prof. Amrish gawande proposed a vote of thank of this webinar. Near about 100 participants where present in this webinar and updated their knowledge and get benefited on this occasion. They received a certificate for participation in this webinar on this occasion.